ZelanteDVT™ZelanteDVT™ Thrombectomy Set Ultra Catheter
Product Number: 114610-001
GTIN: 08714729904724
The ZelanteDVT Thrombectomy Set is intended for use with the AngioJet Ultra Console to break apart and remove thrombus, including deep vein thrombus (DVT), from:
- Iliofemoral and lower extremity veins ≥ 6.0 mm in diameter and
- Upper extremity peripheral veins ≥ 6.0 mm in diameter.
The ZelanteDVT Thrombectomy Set is also intended for use with the AngioJet Ultra Power Pulse® technique for the controlled and selective infusion of physician specified fluids, including thrombolytic agents, into the peripheral vascular system.
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